The devil behind the mirror, part - 2

The mirror is a truly antique piece that Yuki found in an old shop. He was immediately captivated by it and wanted to purchase it. However, the shop owner hesitated—not because the mirror held anything unholy, but because Yuki seemed too young to appreciate such a valuable relic. Typically, people buy antique pieces just for display, but Yuki convinced the shop owner of his genuine appreciation for its rarity. He explained that it wasn’t just a decoration; it was a work of art that captured the nostalgic charm of the 80s.

Out of nowhere, Yuki had an idea: What if he moved the mirror in front of his desk, beside his bed, and simply gazed at it—imagining the time when it was created? Acting on this thought, Yuki carefully placed the mirror facing the reading desk and lay down on his bed. He stared at the mirror, lost in its reflection. From his side, nothing seemed unusual. However, from the other side, the reflection didn’t mimic his movements—it didn’t blink or close its eyes as he did.

Yuki didn’t notice anything strange. Every time he blinked, the odd sight slipped past him. Lost in his thoughts about the past, he eventually drifted off to sleep. Suddenly, he found himself in a dark, misty forest. Realizing it was just a dream, he felt surprised by how comforting the forest seemed. This might terrify others, he thought, but not me. I wish I wouldn’t wake up. He stopped mid-thought as a chilling stillness surrounded him. The eerie atmosphere made him drowsy, as though he were falling asleep within his own dream.

Yuki suddenly woke up and saw his reflection inches away. But this time, it wasn’t just a reflection—it was a perfect replica of himself. He almost panicked but remembered that he was still in a dream. Calmly, he made himself comfortable again, sinking back into the serene solitude of the forest and the mist. That was when the replica spoke. “What an unusual creature.” Hearing those words, Yuki wondered: What kind of replica has this level of consciousness?